
In the title salt, (C34H41N4Te)[HgI3(C4H8O2)], the aryl-tellurenium [C34H41N4Te]+ cations and [HgI3(dioxane)]- anions are linked by a short inter-action between the Te atom and one of the I-atom donors of the anion, as well as through weak C-H⋯I inter-actions. The geometry around the Te atom is T-shaped with the coordination comprising a C atom of the central aromatic ring and two N atom donors of the benzimidazolyl moiety. The Te-N bond lengths are almost equal [2.232 (3) and 2.244 (3) Å], while the Te-C bond length is 2.071 (4) Å. The N-Te-N bond angle is 150.68 (11)°. The HgII atom of the anion is coordinated by iodide ions from three sides and the fourth coordination site is occupied by an O atom of the solvent mol-ecule (dioxane). Thus, it attains a trigonal-pyrimidal geometry, with O-Hg-I angles ranging of 90.76 (8) and 96.76 (7)° and I-Hg-I angles ranging from 112.41 (1) to 125.10 (1)°. The cations and anions are involved in numerous weak π-π stacking inter-actions involving both the central phenyl ring and two inversion-related benzimidazole moieties, which propagate in the a-axis direction. In addition, there are numerous C-H⋯I inter-actions between the cations and anions, which link them into a complex three-dimensional array.


  • In the title salt, (C34H41N4Te)[HgI3(C4H8O2)], the aryltellurenium [C34H41N4Te]+ cations and [HgI3(dioxane)]À anions are linked by a short interaction between the Te atom and one of the I-atom donors of the anion, as well as through weak C—HÁ Á ÁI interactions

  • The geometry around the Te atom is T-shaped with the coordination comprising a C atom of the central aromatic ring and two N atom donors of the benzimidazolyl moiety

  • The HgII atom of the anion is coordinated by iodide ions from three sides and the fourth coordination site is occupied by an O atom of the solvent molecule

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Chemical context

Organoselenenium cations have been extensively studied and utilized in the area of synthetic organic chemistry (Back et al, 1999; Singh & Wirth, 2012; Chivers & Laitinen, 2015), biological fields (Mugesh & Singh, 2000; Singh & Wirth, 2012; Bhuyan & Mugesh, 2012) and material science (Manjare et al, 2014; Kremer et al, 2015). Tellurenium cation [pentyl(N^C^N)Te]+Á[HgI3]À (3) [N^C^N = 5-tert-butyl-1,3-bis(N-pentyl benzimidazol-20-yl)phenyl)]. The Hg—O bond length of 2.730 (3) Ais longer than the sum of their covalent radii (2.15 A ), but shorter than the sum of their van der Waals radii (3.07 A ). This value is in the range found for previous Hg–dioxane structures [2.64 (1) to 2.83 (1) A ; Small, 1982; Frey & Monier, 1971; 2. The observed Te—C bond length is 2.071 (4) A , which is comparable with the related NCN pincer-based tellurenium cation in [2,6{O(CH2CH2)2NCH2}2C6H3Te]+ [Hg2Cl6]2À [2.074 (8) A ; Beleaga et al, 2011]. In the central aromatic region, both benzimidazole moieties are almost coplanar with the central phenyl ring [dihedral angles of 5.3 (3) and 1.6 (2)]

Supramolecular features
Synthesis and crystallization
Database survey
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