
AbstractThe synthesis, characterization and coordination aspects of the title polymer ligands are reported. The polymeric chelates were prepared by polycondensations of transition metal ions (M) with a poly(Schiff's base) (L). The analytical data propose a (ML)n formula for the chelates. All the polychelates are stable and insoluble in common organic solvents. The geometry around the central metal ion in each chelate is proposed on the basis of measurements of magnetic susceptibilities and UV reflectance spectra. The ligand field splitting parameters 10 Dq, the interelectronic repulsion parameter B, the nephelauxetric parameter β and ligand field splitting energies (L.F.S.E.) have been calculated for Ni(II) and Co(II) chelates. All chelates are resistant to moderately concentrated acids and dilute alkalies at ambient temperature. They exhibit thermal stabilities to varying degrees. IR spectra show that the ligand usually coordinates via the carbonyl oxygen (C=O) and the phenolic OH with replacement of hydrogen by metal ions.

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