
In molecular dimers that undergo intramolecular singlet fission (iSF), efficient iSF is typically accompanied by triplet pair annihilation at rates which prohibit effective triplet harvesting. Collisional triplet pair separation and intramolecular separation by hopping to additional sites in extended oligomers are both strategies that have been reported to be effective for acene based iSF materials in the literature. Herein, a family of highly soluble diphenylhexatriene (DPH) oligomers were synthesized and investigated using transient absorption spectroscopy to determine whether these approaches can be applied to the non-acene singlet fission chromophore, DPH. While iSF proceeds rapidly for all three new materials, neither concentration nor oligomer size result in significantly enhanced triplet pair lifetime relative to the dilute dimer case. These null results indicate the fallibility of the collisional separation and oligomerisation strategies.

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