
Reaction of L-methionine hydrochloride [H4Met]Cl with 1 equivalent of K2[PtCl4] under basic conditions (pH 12.36) in aqueous solution gave pale yellow crystals of [Pt3(L-HMet)3]·H2O, as evidenced by X-ray crystallography: monoclinic, space group P21, a= 8.396(2), b= 8.331(2), c= 16.872(2)A, β= 94.11(1)°, Z= 2. The structure was refined to R=R′= 0.075 for 3791 reflections with I < 3.00σ(I). It reveals a cyclic trinuclear platinum(II) complex with bridging amido nitrogens and an approximate three-fold axis of symmetry. Each PtII has roughly square-planar geometry with nitrogen, sulfur co-ordination from one methionine, and nitrogen, oxygen co-ordination from a second methionine.

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