
The quinquedentate ligand 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis[N-methyl-N-(2′-pyridyl)hydrazone], (dapmp) reacts in ethanol with Hg(NO3)2·H2O in the presence of perchlorate ions to give the seven-co-ordinate diaqua complex [Hg (dapmp)(H2O)2][ClO4]2(1), while starting from HgCl2 the species [Hg(dapmp)Cl]·0.5[Hg2Cl6](2) is obtained. The complexes have been characterized by a number of physicochemical measurements including the X-ray analysis of (2). Crystals of (2) are monoclinic, space group P21/c, with unit-cell dimensions a= 12.081 (2), b= 10.295(2), c= 21.480(2)A, β= 93.00(1)°, and Z= 4. The structure has been solved from three-dimensional counter data by Patterson and Fourier methods and refined by full-matrix least squares to R 0.037 for 3 350 observed reflections. The crystal consists of a packing of discrete units of [Hg(dapmp)Cl]+ cations and [Hg2Cl6]2– anions in the ratio 2 : 1. The co-ordination in the cation is approximately pentagonal pyramidal; the five basal positions are occupied by five N atoms of the polydentate ligand with a remarkable helical distortion and the apical position by a Cl atom which makes an angle of 10.3(1)° with the normal to the mean plane passing through the co-ordinated N atoms. The Hg atom lies 0.51 A over this plane in the Cl direction.

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