
Y-type hexagonal ferrite (Sr1.8Sm0.2Co2Ni1.50 Fe10.50O22) was prepared by a normal microemulsion route. The ferrite/polymer composites thin films are formed at different ferrite ratios in pure polystyrene matrix. The X-ray diffraction analysis shows broad peak at low angles which is due to the PST and the peaks for Y-type ferrite are also observed in composite samples. The peaks become more intense and show less broadening with increasing concentration of ferrite which suggests that crystallinity is improved with the addition of ferrite. DC resistivity of the composites samples is lower than that of the pure PST and decreases by increasing ferrite filler into the polymer. This decrease of resistivity is mainly due to the addition of comparatively less resistive ferrite into the highly insulating polymer matrix of PST. The observed increase in the dielectric constant (permittivity) with increasing concentration ratio of ferrites is mainly due to the electron exchange between Fe2+↔Fe3++e− which consequently results in enhancement of electric polarization as well as dielectric constant. The existence of resonances peaks in the dielectric loss tangent spectra is due to the fact when the external applied frequency becomes equal to the jumping frequency of electrons between Fe2+ and Fe3+. The increasing behavior of the dielectric constant, dielectric loss and AC conductivity with increasing ferrite ratio in PST matrix proposes their versatile use in different technological applications especially for electromagnetic shielding.

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