
The reaction of Collman's reagent Na2[Fe(CO)4]·2thf with one equivalent of Au(NHC)Cl (NHC = IMes, IPr; IMes = C3N2H2(C6H2Me3)2; IPr = C3N2H2(C6H3iPr2)2) in dmso resulted in the [Fe(CO)4(AuNHC)]– (NHC = IMes, 1; IPr, 2) mono‐anions. 1–2 further reacted with Au(NHC)Cl or Au(PPh3)Cl affording the neutral complexes Fe(CO)4(AuNHC)2 (NHC = IMes, 3; IPr, 4), Fe(CO)4(AuIMes)(AuIPr) (5) and Fe(CO)4(AuNHC)(AuPPh3) (NHC = IMes, 6; IPr, 7). 1–7 have been spectroscopically characterized by IR, 1H, 13C{1H} and 31P{1H} NMR techniques. Moreover, the molecular structures of 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 have been determined through single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction as their [NMe4][Fe(CO)4(AuIMes)], [NEt4][Fe(CO)4(AuIMes)], [NEt4][Fe(CO)4(AuIPr)], Fe(CO)4(AuIPr)2·1.5toluene, Fe(CO)4(AuIPr)(AuPPh3), Fe(CO)4(AuIMes)(AuPPh3)·0.5CH2Cl2 salts and solvates. The nature of the bonds in 1 and 2 was elucidated on the basis of atoms‐in molecules (AIM) analyses on the DFT‐optimized structures and compared with the corresponding compounds 3 and 4. 1–7 contained strong Fe‐CO, Fe‐Au, Au‐P and Au–NHC bonds as well as weak Au···Au interactions. The different stability and reactivity of IMes‐derivatives vs. IPr‐ones was rationalized on the basis of steric effects.

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