
Abstract—Three associations (Carici michelii-Bromopsidetum ripariae ass. nov., Amorio ambiguae-Alchemilletum orthotrichae ass. nov., and Cicerbito macrophyllae-Aethusetum сynapii ass. nov.) have been distinguished and characterized based on the ecological and floristic classification of phytocenoses in the mountain and piedmont ecosystems of Kabardino-Balkaria within the Tersk and Elbrus variants of vertical zonation in the Central Caucasus. As a result of syntaxonomic analysis, two of them were classified as secondary postforest meadows Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Tx. 1937, and the other one was classified as subalpine tall-grass meadows Mulgedio-Aconitetea Hadae et Klika in Klika et Hadae 1944.

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