
This article describes the derivational potential of root word combinations belonging to the noun, adjective and verb groups in the English and Uzbek languages and their grammatical functional features on the basis of comparative-typological, comparative and distributive methods at the lexical and syntactic levels of the language. Structural models of derivation of verbs, nouns and adjectives in the English and Uzbek languages and their features are considered based on component analysis, as well as morphological factors that ensure the completeness of derivation, their distinctive and similar features in both languages, the role and importance in the formation of verbal compounds is analyzed in detail. The article also identifies the factors that ensure the transposition of root verbs, nouns and adjectives in English and Uzbek, and describes their structural-functional and contextual-semantic analysis at the required level. Until today’s period of development of linguistics, many problematic processes related to the language system have been studied and researched. This situation can be observed both in the context of world linguistics and in the context of Uzbek linguistics. Linguistics, like all sciences, is constantly evolving. Due to this, it is natural that there are still problematic processes in this sphere today. The fact that the phenomenon of derivation less researched in the context of root words can be related to such problems, because in both English and Uzbek linguistics the problem of derivation of root words is not studied at the required level. Any new word that exists in a language takes its initial form from speech, and thus the speech dependence of the word formed ends, because the next life of a derived word goes on in a language. That is, the derived word takes its place in the paradigm of its own analogical forms after being tested in social speech activity for a certain period of time. Only derivatives that have fully passed such tests will receive the status of a language unit and, like their other paradigms, will begin to function as a means of enriching the language with new constructions. It is well known that the derivational sequence of linguistic units cannot be fully understood only on the basis of grammatical research, because word formation in its extralinguistic basis is a product of speech activity. Since related words are considered not as a finished product of the language, but as a product of speech, since they are artificial words, in speech they are activated only in the form in which they are adapted for communication. In some places, depending on the need for speech, we can also observe cases where two or more related words are involved in the process of communication or in context. In this article, the works of English and Uzbek writers are selected as a source, as well as the degree of influence of the speech situation of both languages on the choice of words is studied and scientifically substantiated on the examples taken for analysis. As a result of syntactic-semantic analysis of root word combinations in the English language, on the basis of a detailed analysis, it was shown that root words can be combined with other words in speech, forming various models.

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