
The article presents the experience of synodal work from the Lutheran perspective. For this purpose, it presents the most important global synodal body of Lutheranism – the General Assemblies of the Lutheran World Federation, as well as the most important body of this type in the Polish context – the Synod of the Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession in Poland. Then, the powers of both these bodies are analyzed to show that they are not limited only to technical and organizational issues, but also extend to the area of defining the truths of faith. In the next step, the search for theological premises for synodal work was undertaken, focusing on the concept of the universal priesthood of all believers and the principles of the Lutheran hermeneutics of Holy Scripture. Finally, a specific example of a discussion on confirmation in the Polish Evangelical Church of Augsburg Confession shows how the Lutheran synodal process can look like in practice. Finally, some indispensable elements for the success of the synodal process have been identified.

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