
Facial asymmetries to the tears are rare. We report a pediatric original case that may fall within the framework of a Cayler syndrome. Through its clinical presentation, we will discuss differential diagnoses, associated forms, its etiology, and its management. At the maternity unit, in a male infant, after vaginal delivery at term without extraction, was discovered a lack of mobility of the labial commissure on the right side, only when crying. The rest of the examination was unremarkable, except ipsilateral microtia. Genetically, karyotype was 46,XY, 22q11without microdeletion. The head and neck MRI and echocardiogram were normal. Asymmetry with tears has been described in the literature, through association with microdeletion 22q11syndrome. The originality of this case was the presence of an isolated muscle abnormality. Muscles affected by this syndrome are: Musculus depressor labii inferioris, the Depressor anguli oris, and Mentalis musculus. The three muscles can be affected concomitantly. Isolated involvment of the Depressor anguli oris muscle has also been described. The mechanical dysfunction can be either linked to muscle innervation agenesis or to a defect thereof. There is no specific treatment. The symptoms improve with age by decreasing the frequency of crying. However, it is important to know this pathology in order to seek an optimum balance further in search of associated abnormalities (FISH 22q11, cardiac Doppler ultrasound) but also to educate, to reassure families often worried by the situation.

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