Objective: To demonstrate the patterns of syndesmosis reconstruction in ankle fractures via the measurement of pre-established and universally accepted parameters. Methods: In a retrospective study, fractures with radiographic images obtained during the postoperative period showing fixation of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis were selected. After this selection, fracture reduction and syndesmosis fixation were evaluated by measuring radiographic parameters in the selected cases. Results: Twenty-three patients (63.8%) were male. Fourteen fractures (38.8%) were operated on by a senior surgeon (foot and ankle specialist). All syndesmoses were fixed with only 1 screw, and 35 patients (97.2%) had syndesmosis fixation involving 3 cortices. The mean syndesmosis fixation height from the articular surface was 2.20cm. Four fractures (11.1%) presented radiographic signs of medial ligament reconstruction. Regarding measurement of the tibiofibular space, in the anteroposterior (AP) view, 33 patients (91.6%) had values within the normal range. Regarding the tibiofibular overlap, in the AP view, 19 patients (52.7%) had measurements with values greater than 10mm (normal). In the evaluation of tibiofibular overlap, in the true AP view, all patients (100%) presented measurements greater than 1mm (normal). Regarding the measurement of the talocrural angle, only 1 patient did not have normal parameters. Regarding the medial clear space, only 2 patients (5.5%) had values above normal during the postoperative period. Conclusion: The adoption of objective parameters, in a standardized manner and relative to the contralateral side, adds additional value to the evaluation and ensures an accessible and reproducible method for the evaluation of these injuries. Level of Evidence II; Prognostics Studies; Retrospective Study.
In the evaluation of tibiofibular overlap, in the true AP view, all patients (100%) presented measurements greater than 1mm
Quanto ao número de parafusos utilizados, 36 pacientes (100%) tiveram a sindesmose estabilizada por apenas 1 parafuso
36 pacientes (100%) tiveram a sindes mose estabilizada por apenas 1 parafuso
Marcelo de Brito Teixeira, Gabriel Souza de Albuquerque, Clauser Roberto Souza Lima Segundo, Felipe Rodrigues Santos Carneiro, Janice de Souza Guimarães, Marcus Vinicius Mota Garcia Moreno. RESUMO Objetivo: Demonstrar, mediante a mensuração de parâmetros pré-estabelecidos e universalmente aceitos, os padrões de reconstrução da sindesmose nas fraturas de tornozelo. Métodos: Num estudo retrospectivo, foram selecionadas as fraturas com imagem radiográfica do pós-operatório evidenciando fixação da sindesmose tíbio-fibular distal. Foram avaliadas redução da fratura e da fixação da sindesmose, mediante a mensuração de parâmetros radiográficos, nos casos selecionados. Na mensuração do espaço tíbio-fibular, na incidência ântero-posterior (AP), 33 pacientes (91,6%) tiveram valores dentro da normalidade. Em relação à sobreposição tíbio-fibular, no AP, 19 pacientes (52,7%) tiveram medidas com valores acima de 10mm (normal). Na avaliação da sobreposição tíbio-fibular, na incidência ântero-posterior verdadeira (APV), todos os pacientes (100%) apresentaram medidas superiores a 1mm (normal). Em relação ao espaço livre medial, apenas 2 pacientes (5,5%) tiveram valores acima da normalidade, no pós-operatório.
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