
The organization of the nucleus of the optic tract was investigated with light and electron microscopy in combination with Golgi impregnation. In Golgi material, neurons ranged in size from 10 to 25 microns with three to seven principal dendrites extending predominantly parallel to the fibres of the optic tract, irrespective of their location within the nucleus. In some areas dendrites extended into the neuropil of the adjacent dorsal terminal nucleus of the accessory optic system and the posterior pretectal nucleus. Occasionally spines and appendages were observed. The fine structure of the nuclei, perikarya and the dendritic arborization did not allow a well-defined distinction between interneurons and projection neurons. The synaptic organization of the nucleus of the optic tract showed great resemblance to the neuropil of the lateral geniculate nucleus and the superior colliculus. Similar types of presynaptic terminals were noticed: (i) R-terminals were either large and scalloped or small and regular in outline with spherical vesicles and electron-lucent mitochondria, and showed asymmetric contact zones; (ii) F-terminals with flattened vesicles, opaque mitochondria and symmetric contact zones; (iii) RLD-terminals with spherical vesicles and electron-dense mitochondria and asymmetric contact zones; (iv) P-terminals with pleomorphic vesicles and electron-lucent or opaque mitochondria and asymmetric synaptic thickenings. These different types of terminal were found isolated in the neuropil or in clusters of synapses. The most striking differences between the nucleus of the optic tract and the lateral geniculate nucleus were the relative scarcity of F-terminals in the clusters, the paucity of triadic arrangements and the relatively small size of the R-terminals. The differences in ultrastructure may be related to retinal W-type ganglion cells, which form the main retinal input to the nucleus of the optic tract and could also be related to the physiologically identified direction-selective units within the nucleus of the optic tract.

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