
1. Outline of the process In the inaugural report of the organizers, the significance and purpose of the symposium subject were explained. Then, seven reporters read their papers on urban renewal, fol-lowed by three comentators on these papers. Finally, G. Takebayashi, Chief of Planning Department of Toyama City Office, reported the urban renewal problems of Toyama City from the view point of an administrative official. After a recess, discussions were done from 14: 00 to 17: 00. Through the discussions, the circumstances and backgrounds for the process of final decision making, the cost, and the future perspectives for urban renewal were the principal concerns of the attendants. 2. Organizers' Reports (1) H. Futagami emphasized that recently the citizens' needs and demands of the civic center in the provincial city have increased rapidly. The civic center, however, can not meet the needs and demands satisfactorily, resulting in the feeling of discontent on the part of citizens. He pointed out from his pursuit of field survey that the citizens' needs and demands of the civic center were accessibility, safety, modernity, amenity, selectivity and residentiability. Finally, he stressed that the future civic center of the provincial city should be created primarily on the human scale. (2) N. Suglmura explained of the recent Japanese Government's policy which had promoted strongly to modernize the commercial activities of the provincial city. Then, he anticipated that the civic center, the core region of commercial activities, would further develop. He reported that not a few geographers participated in the committees to moder-nize activities in the civic center. 3. Reporters' papers (1) K. Tanabe was concerned with the parking problems in the CBD, especially with the regional formation of parking zone surrounding the CBD. He pointed out some dif-ferences and characteristics of the parking problems between Japanese, American and Eu-ropean cities. (2) H. Kanazaki explained the historical process of development of Kanazawa City which had been constructed as a castle town about 400 years ago. He concluded that it was very important to harmonize conservation with redevelopment in the procedure of urban renewal of Kanazawa City having a long history vincial cities, especially, cities with a long history such as Kanazawa City, by showing many color slides. (4) K. Kitagawa's concern was directed to the relationship between the types of urban renewal and the urban size. He pointed out that the urban renewal in the prefectural capital cities as characterized by the point and line development system. On the other hand, the urban renewal in the regional capital cities, such as Fukuoka and Hiroshima, showed the line and area development system. (5) F. Takano reported that judging from the consequence of the urban renewal in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture, urban renewal could exert a strong influence nott only on the civic center but also on the adjoining areas. (6) H. Yoshida mentioned a merit of urban renewal to raise efficiency of land utiliza-tion in the civic center. At the same time, however, attention should be paid to the fact that central big capital often push out local small enterprises. (7) K. Jitsu first explained of the actual conditions of urban renewal of principal cities, Kanazawa, Toyama, Fukui etc., in Hokuriku District. Then he stressed the importance of arranging legal regulations for urban renewal and also making urban renewal plans which could satisfy the demands of local merchants and dealers. RELATED EXCURSION (12_??_130ct., 1974) Theme: Urban renewal of the civic centers in the principal cities of Hokuriku District.

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