
The article deals with the problem of socio-cultural conditions for the formation of regional innovation systems. The authors, guided by the culturological approach and using interdisciplinary methodology, identify ways of interaction of symbolic and economic factors in the innovative development of territories. One of the competitive advantages of the Russian regions in the current economic situation is the symbolic capital of the place as the totality of those values that provide the territory with recognition, fame, prestige, and trust in the place from various social groups. The main thesis of the work is the authors assertion that the symbolic capital of the place can be considered by regional elites as one tool for innovative development of regions. This thesis becomes relevant due scientists approval that not only the scientific and technical potential of the region, but also the specificity of regional resources is of great importance for the innovations development. Symbolic capital is a sociocultural catalyst for innovationprocesses, the means of enhancing the material forms of capital. The instrumental potential of symbolic capital lies in its ability to influence the investment attractiveness of the region and the positive image of the territory, to determine the symbolic production of collective identities, and also to be the basis for the developing “economics of impression”.

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