
The purpose of the article is to identify the cultural and symbolic attributes that form the symbolic capital of the Republic of Mordovia. As part of the study, a representative survey of 384 residents was conducted in accordance with quotas by sex, age, place of residence, as well as a complete survey of the target group — employees of cultural institutions of the Republic of Mordovia (763 people) using an interactive questionnaire on the Google Forms platform. The study of cultural and symbolic attributes and the main components of the ethno-cultural image is due to the search for competitive advantages of the territory to determine and form the image of the region, taking into account the potential of national cultures. The results of the study made it possible to determine a set of authentic and original meanings and images that ensure fame and cause a stable positive association with Mordovia. It was revealed that natural-geographical, ethno-cultural and socio-economic components give the republic its uniqueness and recognition. The natural and geographical advantage of the territory is unique natural and recreational resources, favorable geographical position, proximity to the federal center and the presence of a network of high-quality roads of federal and republican significance. The national and cultural identity of the region acts as a resource for generating its positive reputation. The organization of interesting and non-trivial cultural events that attract local and external audiences increases the attractiveness of the republic. The socio-economic advantage of Mordovia is determined by the production of industrial products and food products that have a high reputation among consumers. For the inhabitants of the region, the places of concentration, preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage of the region, located in the regional centers, become important. The authors confirmed that the Republic of Mordovia has rich intangible assets that make it possible to construct its own unique ethno-cultural brand of the territory.

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