
This study aimed to explore the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in greening schools for sustainable development in Tshwane North District in Gauteng Province of South Africa. The research considered whether contextual factors hinder schools from effectively greening their schools for sustainable development. This research is qualitative and employed focus group interviews and observation. The study was undertaken with purposefully sampled members of the school management team and school governing body at three primary schools. Data was analysed through thematic content analysis. The major finding of the study was that school funds were swiftly depleted on resources such as water, energy, paper and equipment. Furthermore, contextual factors emerged emanating from little knowledge of greening and sustainability practices by school role players and a lack of policy framework on how sustainable development and greening schools should be implemented. The findings suggest the creation of an integrative assessment of greening school policies and strategies that embrace a practical activity plan for curriculum and infrastructure to monitor school resource management.Keywords: green school; sustainable development, school role players; Sustainable Development Goals

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