This comparative study investigates and analyzes by SWOT analysis the nature, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of coal mining industry safety and environmental regulatory regime versus development in China and USA. The study aims to evaluate the present attributes of the regulatory regimes versus both industries’ response, and deduce influence of this regulation on Chinese coal mining industry safety and environmental investment. The study presents theories about regulation and development so as to understand the need for regulation. It also draws out the status, types, examples, similarities and differences of the coal mining industry safety and environmental situation and regulatory regimes. Thereafter, SWOT analysis is carried out to examine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with the current regulatory regimes. Results indicate that China although having numerous coal mine safety and environmental related policies and regulations, their effect is rarely significantly fostering increased safety and environmental investment as well as research and development but reducing fatalities. This trend, therefore, confirms the need for properly designed safety and environmental regulation that fosters investment and technological improvements, so as to achieve sustainable development of the industry. The need is to learn from the US coal industry regulatory framework which has enabled advances in technology aimed at improving productivity while tackling safety and environmental problems.
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