
The purpose of the article is to conduct a SWOT-analysis of distant services and electronic information resources of libraries of higher education institutions in Ukraine. The research methodology is based on the methods of analysis, synthesis, comprehensiveness of knowledge, generalisation, abstraction, SWOT-analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the SWOT-analysis method was applied to domestic libraries that provide library and information services under quarantine restrictions and martial law. Conclusions. A SWOT-analysis of distant services and information resources of libraries of higher education institutions in Ukraine was conducted. The strengths of the scientific libraries of higher education institutions in Ukraine were found to be the provision of remote services: electronic delivery of documents, virtual reference service, determination of UDC indices and electronic information resources: electronic catalogue, electronic archive of scientific works of university staff (institutional repository), full-text databases and resources available on open platforms. Weaknesses include the lack of the following remote services: online chat; creation and maintenance of a researcher's profile in the ORCID, Google Academy, Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ResearchGate services; informing users about new arrivals; editing bibliographies and electronic information services on library websites: book trailers, longreads, podcasts, virtual tours and excursions, audiobooks, virtual exhibitions, digests, new arrivals, virtual reviews, thematic lists. Opportunities include the creation of promising forms of remote services and electronic information resources: creation of digital libraries, introduction of sector-specific recommendation systems, development of a mobile version of the library website and mobile applications of electronic library services, development of specialised applications of electronic library services, development of a system of personal accounts, deployment of blogger and streaming activities, use of new platforms for instant messaging: Telegram, Viber, and social network TikTok. Threats to libraries today include the lack of electricity, overloading of library servers, socio-political instability, and cyber threats. Key words: SWOT-analysis, distant services, electronic information resources, libraries of higher education institutions in Ukraine, messengers, Telegram, Viber, TikTok.

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