
This study is for a search for direction of development of silver sport industry. As worldwide trend of old people growth and the 4th industry revolution and Korea is rapidly phasing into an “Aging Society”, silver sport industry will be developed rapidly. This study is for a search for methods of development though the SWOT analysis. The results of the study are as following:<BR> First, t he S trength of e nlargement o f Silver s port i ndustry b ase in K orea a re e lation of c oncern government and local government. Second, the Weakness of enlargement of Silver sport industry base in Korea are lack of awareness of Silver sport industry and experts of Silver sport industry. Third, the Opportunity of enlargement of Silver sport industry base in Korea are possibility about technological access and cultural access. Forth, the Threaten of enlargement of Silver sport industry base in Korea are lack of making institutional devices and revising the law.

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