
Contribution: This study compares the outcome-based education (OBE) system with the traditional teaching–learning methods. A detailed analysis regarding the effectiveness of these techniques at Riphah International University (RIU), Faisalabad Campus is presented. Background: Education is becoming more demanding in terms of students’ learning. In the same way, teaching methods are becoming more systematic and outcome-oriented. Pakistan has turned out to be a full signatory of the Washington Accord, and Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) has directed all engineering institutions to implement the described OBE system. Intended Outcomes: The aim of this work is to investigate the advantages and drawbacks of both teaching methods. Also, it reveals the strengths of the OBE system to improve future students’ learning. Application Design: The analysis is performed by considering the student’s feedback, average learning scores, letter grades, and overall class impact as the main driving factors toward the comprehensive system’s evaluation. The data for two consecutive batches under OBE and non-OBE systems is collected and compared. Reliability and validity tests were also performed for the data validation. Findings: The overall transformation from non-OBE to OBE has proved the new educational system superlative in student learning, subject delivery, and teaching technique.

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