
We compared the effects of sublethal waterborne copper exposure on swimming performance and respiration rates in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, with those in less sensitive cyprinid species such as common carp, Cyprinus carpio, and gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio. These cyprinids are considerably more resistant to Cu intoxication, and differ from trout in swimming performance and respiratory behaviour. Critical swimming speed ( U crit), oxygen consumption, plasma ammonia and muscle ammonia, lactate and pH were measured during a 28-day sublethal exposure to 1 μM Cu. U crit decreased with 48, 31 and 13% within the first 12–24 h for rainbow trout, common and gibel respectively. Gibel carp recovered quickly and experienced no further reduction in swimming performance. Recovery of swimming capacity in rainbow trout and common carp was only partial. All three species displayed similar plasma ammonia peaks in the first hours to days, and a more gradual muscle ammonia accumulation over time. Whereas no signs of respiratory stress occurred in rainbow trout, common carp experienced a transient reduction in oxygen consumption combined with anaerobic metabolism after 24 h of exposure. At the same time, oxygen consumption was also reduced in gibel carp, but no signs of anaerobic metabolism were detected. Cu accumulated quickly to similar levels (36–39 μg g −1 dry weight at day 3) in the gills of all three species, after which accumulation leveled off. Liver tissue of rainbow trout had a high Cu level from the start, and Cu concentration did not show any additional accumulation. In contrast, common carp liver showed a significant Cu accumulation from day 3 onwards, while accumulation in gibel livers was much slower and was significant from day 7 onwards. Interestingly, Cu accumulation patterns in plasma and kidney revealed a possibly important role for the kidney in Cu homeostasis of gibel carp.

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