
Man is a social animal, and thus live in society with family, friends and other human beings. To live in this world, one needs to live with certain rules, principles, and good behaviour, so as to form a best system of life, “dharma” was established. India being a land of yoga for thousands of years, pratice of yoga is been carried out by thousands of sages, in which they have achieved the supreme power. By self experiences these sages (yogis) gave the world plenty of literature, like Vedas, Upanishads, Yoga Sutra etc. These scriptures came from the sages penance, deep knowledge and self experiences. So these all Indian Scriptures are very valuable, with the essence of truth. Sage Patanjali in yoga sutra, classifies yoga into eight steps and at the end of which highest aim of human life, is attained which is, of achieving divine body, and dissolving one’s self into the ultimate supreme divine energy. From the eight steps of yoga, the first two steps are very important, which are yamas and niyamas, without which no one can move a step ahead. Yamas and niyamas play a very important role in yoga seeker’s life, as well as for all human beings. There are five golden rules in eachyamas and niyamas. Five yamas are non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy and nonpossessiveness. And the five niyamas are purity, contentment, self-study, worship of god and austerity. Yamas play necessary role in social religion, as they are the principles to follow with all human beings. Celibacy is of prime importance in socialreligion, as it is avery strong code for yogi to reach ultimat goal of divine body. Yama are moral restraints and niyamas are moral observnces. So both these play a strong role for all human beings.Sanatan Dharma mentions about four parts of life, in which first is Bramcharyashram, Gruhasthashram, Vanprasthashram and Sanyastashram. At first place comes Bramcharyashram, in which comes celibate students. So this is a great arrangment, which builds up character, There is no means equal to celibacy.

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