
Environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) have increasingly gained a place at the global environmental governance table. From limited participation in the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 to significant level of inclusion at the 2002 Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development, ENGOs have carved a niche for participation in decision-making at the international and global scales. This chapter offers a historical overview of the role of ENGOs in the implementation of a Governance for Sustainable Development (GSD) framework and suggests ways in which implementation at the local level can be undertaken through extensive, intense and collaborative partnerships between civil society organizations, the general public, academics and government representatives, alongside business and industrial interests. It then uses an NGO influence conceptual framework to explore two cases of ENGO involvement in domestic policy making. I use these examples of ENGO influence to help us formulate an approach to shift towards a GSD framework.

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