
For the last several billion years, nature has nurtured the planet evolving complex Eco-systems that conserve and recycle energy and materials. Climate change is the most visible result – storms, droughts, floods and the like are rising in frequency and severity and the consensus is that we are to be blamed. Civil constructions in urban areas are essential for overall development and benefits of the community, but, it is more important that every such activity be environment friendly as the Environment too has a right to remain protected from any kind of damages. We are, however, the agents of our own eventual doom. We are gradually choking and poisoning ourselves. This paper covers the attempt in sustainable designing and construction of series of flyovers, Underpasses, River Bridges and other infrastructure projects taken up in the new millennium in New Delhi, the capital city of India. The successful efforts in achieving sustainability are discussed specifically in case of Mukarba Chowk Grade Separator and Barapulla Elevated Road projects. To assess the amount of the degradation and attempt for sustainable construction, it is essential to understand the environmental characteristics of the area in which structure is taking birth. Once a sincere assessment is done, then it is the core part of ethics of any Engineering to mitigate the degradation and achieve sustainability.

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