
In economic terms, forest soil has a “bare land value”, which is added to the value of the stand to estimate the value of the forest. According to the Faustmann’s formula proposed in 1849 (Peyron and Maheut, 1999), the bare land value has a significant impact on the value of the forest and it is easy to understand the importance of sustainable qualitative and quantitative soil management. Although it can sometimes be difficult to quantify the costs and benefits linked to the sustainability of soil, it is nevertheless necessary to try to take them into account when taking decisions on forest management and harvesting. Economics can help to estimate these values based on the soil sustainability objectives of the various players involved. Taking account of economic aspects of environmental impacts related to soil management then gives a better understanding of the driving and limiting factors that may determine the acceptance of new practices in the field, by contributing to decision-making and communication tools for stakeholders.

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