
Electrochemotherapy (ECT) involves combining anticancer drugs with electroporation, which is induced by pulsed electric fields (PEFs), while the effects vary in effectiveness based on the specific parameters of the electrical pulses and susceptibility of the cells to a specific drug. In this work, we utilized conventional microsecond electroporation protocols (0.8 – 1.5 kV/cm × 100 μs × 8, 1 Hz) and the new modality of nanosecond pulses (4 and 8 kV/cm × 500 ns × 100, 1 kHz and 1 MHz), which are compressed into a high frequency burst. Sensitive and resistant lung, breast and ovarian human cancer cell lines were used in the study. In order to overcome drug-resistance, we have investigated the feasibility to use anticancer drug cocktails i.e., bleomycin and cisplatin combinations with metformin, vinorelbine and Dp44mT. The different susceptibility of various human cancer cells lines to electric pulses was determined, the efficacy of ECT was characterized and the type of cell death depending on the combinations of drugs was investigated. The results indicate that synergistic effects of PEFs with drug cocktails may be used to overcome drug-resistance in cancer, while the application of nsPEF provides more flexibility in parametric protocols and modulation of cancer cell death.

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