
never b T.g. either, perhaps because every year brings preparations for a different class. In what other profession does one have the opportunity to make a fresh start each August with new faces, new ideas, new challenges, and renewed energy? After 35 years, I still love the dynamics of the classroom. For me it is a performance activity, and more and more the students are the performers under my direction. For more than 25 years I have been department chair. At one time I was younger than most of the department members; now, several of my teachers are younger than my children. Three consider themselves adopted daughters. These teachers need reassurances when a lesson goes wrong or when an intolerant parent calls about a lesson on tolerance. They need guidance in selecting diverse novels, such as The Color Purple, Fried Green Tomatoes, Cold Sassy Tree. One needed support in changing the existing curriculum to include all voices, especially those seldom heard: African, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans. I like to encourage innovation and effect change.

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