The use of endovascular techniques remains the only chance to restore blood flow under the conditions of a distal stenotic-occlusive process. Nevertheless, under the conditions of endovascular reconstructive surgery of the distal arterial bed, unsatisfactory results occur in 6-32% of cases in the form of thrombosis or restenosis of the reconstruction segment due to the progression of signs of limb ischemia.
 The aim is to improve the results of endovascular revascularization of multilevel atherosclerotic stenotic-occlusive femoral-distal arterial bed by surgical treatment of postoperative complicated forms of revascularized infrainguinal arterial bed.
 Materials and methods. 164 patients with multilevel stenotic-occlusive lesions of the femoral-distal arterial bed were under observation. Ultrasound dopplerography was used to select the volume of reconstructive intervention. Endovascular angioplasty of the femoral-popliteal segment (I stage) was performed with Pan Medical (PEKICO), OPTA PRO (Cordis) balloon catheters. In 41.10% of observations, balloon angioplasty of the femoral segment was continued with the placement of a stent - a self-expanding Smart ControL stent (Cordis), a self-expanding Carbostent stent (Flype), a self-expanding stent - Vascular stent (BARD) was used. Endovascular angioplasty of the arteries of the tibial segment (II stage) was performed using long balloons (80-150 mm) Armada 35 LL manufactured by Abbott Vascular (USA) and Amphirion Deep (Medtronic) Coyote (Boston Scientific). 76 intraluminal and 33 subintimal angioplasty were performed. When performing subintimal angioplasty, CompleteSE (Medtronic), Smart (Cordis) and CompleteSE (Medtronic) stents were used. In 40 patients, angioplasty was performed on two arteries of the leg, in 33 - on one of the tibial arteries. At the first stage, an open reconstruction of the femoral-popliteal segment was performed - the formation of a femoral-popliteal autovenous shunt. In 20 (21.98%) observations, the proximal anastomosis was formed at the level of the bifurcation of the thoracic cavity during simultaneous deep fundoplasty. In 36 (39.51%) observations, the distal anastomosis of the autovenous shunt was formed at the level of the PCA by the end-to-end type. A 6F Check-Flo Performer (USA), Balton (EU) introducer was used to ensure the change of the balloon catheter. Long balloons (80-150 mm) Armada 35 LL manufactured by Abbott Vascular (USA) and Amphirion Deep (Medtronic) Coyote (Boston Scientific) were used, CompleteSE stents (Medtronic) – 23 cases, Smart (Cordis) – 24 observations.
 Conclusions. The early postoperative period of endovascular revascularization of a multilevel stenotic-occlusive lesion of the femoral-distal arterial bed is complicated by thrombosis of the popliteal-tibial segment in 15.9% of observations. Thrombosis of the popliteal segment is detected 2.7 times more often after endovascular angioplasty of one of the tibial arteries during endovascular revascularization of a multilevel stenotic-occlusive lesion of the femoral-distal arterial bed than during endovascular angioplasty of two tibial arteries. The effectiveness of the use of rheological thrombus extraction by the Angiojet system in the surgical treatment of postoperative thrombosis of the popliteal segment, which is formed in 15.9% of observations after endovascular revascularization of a stenotic-occlusive lesion of the femoral-distal arterial bed, is equal to 84.6%.
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