
The aim of the paper is to assess dynamics of water quality in four main recreational areas in Kharkiv and to develop recommendations for water quality improvement. Methods. Field and laboratory methods and analytical data processing. Results. The paper presents analysis of dynamics in water quality for four main recreational areas located in Kharkiv: Zhuravlevskiy Hydropark, Oleksiivskiy Lugopark, Udyanskiy Hydropark and Osnovyanske Lake. Period of study: 2006-2020, time: May-June and August-September. Average data are presented. Samples were analysed at certified Laboratory of Analytical Chemical Research of the Karazin Institute of Environmental Sciences. Laboratory data were compared with national UA standards and European ones. Conclusions were made for the following key parameters: dissolved oxygen and BOD5, total mineralization, biogenic substances content, oil products and surfactants, toxic heavy metals content. There is no specific dynamics on the pollution level. Conclusions. The following recommendations for improvement of water quality were developed: (i) to preform regular monitoring of water quality; (ii) to introduce regular and systematic control by one local authority; (iii) to improve infrastructure of recreational areas; (iv) to introduce regular cleaning of the recreational areas; (v) to install bio-WC; (vi) to install additional waste containers (preferably with separate waste collection); (vii) plant trees for better isolation from highways; (viii) to improve level of water treatment on WWTP; (ix) to create nature protected areas along rivers

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