
X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provides quantitative information from photoemission peaks and shapes observed within the background due to the inelastic scattering of photoelectrons. To quantify the signal, both photoemission peaks and background in spectra must be adjusted for instrumental transmission variations that are a consequence of changes in efficiency when recording electrons with different kinetic energy. While it is generally assumed that correcting spectroscopic data for transmission is a necessary part of quantification by XPS, there are consequences for the quantification of spectra measured using an instrument for which transmission has significant curvature. In this Insight, the implications of curvature in transmission characteristics are discussed and a method based on XPS microscopy is proposed that ensures the transmission response of an instrument is free from significant curvature. An example of an instrument for which a flat transmission response is presented is achieved through collecting spectra using lens modes designed to measure stigmatic images.

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