
A surface integral equation method with multibranch Rao–Wilton–Glisson (MB-RWG) basis functions for scattering from dielectric objects is proposed based on the electric and magnetic current combined field integral equations (JMCFIE). The MB-RWGs are defined at the boundaries between dense and coarse meshes and can keep the current continuity. Thus, the JMCFIE with MB-RWGs allows different surfaces of the dielectric models to be independently discretized by triangles with different sizes. Compared with the conventional JMCFIE, the JMCFIE with MB-RWGs increases the flexibility of mesh generation, which is attractive for multiscale dielectric models. Furthermore, the iterative convergence of JMCFIE with MB-RWGs is similar to that of conventional JMCFIE. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method.

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