
Aggregates of Au nanoparticles have been extremely easily obtained on glass substrates byphysical sputtering under primary vacuum. With such a protocol, we demonstrate that itis possible to control the surface plasmon band absorption. Surface enhancedRaman spectroscopy (SERS) experiments were performed with methylene blue, zincoctacarboxyphthalocyanine, 4-aminothiophenol and cysteamine. The correlation betweenthe absorption band and the wavelength giving the highest SERS intensity is clearlyobserved for methylene blue, in accordance with the electromagnetic enhancement theory.For the other molecules, effects of the chemical enhancement are also observed. Inaddition, we noticed a strong influence of the nature of the adsorbed moleculeon the enhancement factor for a given wavelength. The origin of this featureis discussed in terms of resonant effects or multipolar surface plasmon modes.

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