
Biphenyldiyl-2,2'-bis(methylphosphonic acid) (BBMP) and benzenetriyl-1,3,5-tris(methylphosphonic acid) (BTMP) as ligands have been synthesized from diphenic acid and trimesic acid, respectively. Cu, Mn and Co complexes of BBMP have been prepared but similar complexes of BTMP did not crystallize. However, a copper compound with added 4,4'-bipyridyl was obtained. This copper complex is dimeric in which the dimers are linked into a supramolecular compound through the bipyridyl groups. Interestingly, the structure was solved in P1 with an unusual correlation between the ligand oxygen bond distances and the copper bond distances to water molecules. The Mn and Co BBMP complexes are isostructural in which the BBMP ligands phenyl groups rotate around each other to bridge the metal atoms forming 1:1 linear chains. There are four water molecules bonded to Co that can be removed reversibly. In the case of the Cu compound, one Cu is square planar bonded to four phosphonate oxygen atoms from two BBMP molecules. The second copper is six coordinate adding two water molecules in the axial positions. The two copper ions alternate forming a one dimensional chain but with ligands bonding the chain on both sides. The four coordinate copper atoms are chelated by two BBMP ligands utilizing one oxygen atom from the two phosphonate groups of each ligand and a second oxygen atom from these groups that bridge across the Cu atoms to bond to the six coordinate copper ion. A detailed synthetic procedure for each of the two ligands is supplied as ESI.

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