
An incubation system for rat liver mitochondria is described in which pyruvate is almost exclusively metabolised by oxidative decarboxylation. The oxidation of [1‐14C]pyruvate was determined by measurement of 14CO2‐formation and pyruvate disappearance. At the same time O2 consumption and ketone body formation were followed. Carnitine stimulated pyruvate oxidation. Oxidation of pyruvate was inhibited by physiological concentrations of palmitate. The inhibition was not relieved by increasing concentrations of DL‐carnitine. Palmitoyl‐carnitine inhibited pyruvate oxidation in the same manner as palmitate. The inhibition was not influenced by increasing the concentration of carnitine in the medium. The possible mechanisms for this effect of palmitate and palmitoyl‐carnitine on pyruvate oxidation are discussed. Under conditions of lack of carbohydrate the inhibition of mitochondrial pyruvate oxidation by fatty acid seems of major importance for directing pyruvate carbon into the direction of glucose synthesis.

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