
The New Teacher Development Program (NTDP) is part of continuous professional development to support new teachers to reach their potential through structured guidance at school. However, inadequate pre-service training and support systems during the induction period affect the teaching of new teachers and subsequently student learning. Hence, this study aimed to identify the level of support system in the implementation of NTDP and its differences based on school level. The survey design was selected and questionnaire was used as the research instrument. The data are quantitatively analyzed to determine the support system level from three aspects, namely teaching and learning support, external task support and development of teaching professionalism support. The results showed that the level of support system was high. In particular, new teachers received excellent support from teaching and learning aspects, as well as external duty in implementing NTDP. Meanwhile, the support given by the school for development of teaching professionalism was at a high level. In addition, the study found that there was no significant difference in the support system for new teachers following NTDP based on school level. Support systems needed to be strengthened to help new teachers adapt to the teaching profession, enhancing their potential in carrying out their duties and developing their continuous professional competency throughout their service.

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