
Utilization of project management methods in practice in more extensive projects is, due to high demands, only possible with support of a Project Management Information System. Project managers can use a number of applications offering a wide range of functions in the areas of project planning, monitoring and continuous evaluation of project implementation, and final evaluation when it has finished. An important function offered by a Project Management Information System is the possibility of sharing data concerning the running projects across the project team and their surroundings. Project Management Information System applications are primarily designed to support project management, so it is worth considering how much the available applications support the project management methods defined in the project management theory, how much software applications make it possible to get support in individual stages of the project life cycle, and if this scope is sufficient from the point of view of quality project management. The evaluation involved selected project management methods suitable for individual project life cycle stages, and the scope of support of individual project management methods within the respective project life cycle stages was evaluated in selected software applications.

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