Probiotics is a live microbial feed supplements that improve the microbial balance in the digestivetract of cattle host. Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) is one of native Indonesian spices that areuseful for prevention and treatment of human disease but also can be used for broiler chickens supplement.Bioactive contents known acting as an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal. The study wasconducted to determine the effects of probiotic and temulawak supplementation on population of Salmonellasp and broiler chickens blood cholesterol. This study used 300 DOC final stock. Probiotic concentration 109cell/mL administered through drinking water every day while of temulawak extract dose 0.25 g/L 0.50 g/Lonce a week, for five weeks. The variables measured were Salmonella sp populations and blood cholesterollevels. The results showed that combination administered of probiotics with temulawak dose 0.50 g/Ldecreased of population of Salmonella amount to 87.04% and decreased of blood cholesterol amount21,48% at administered of probiotics with temulawak dose 0,25 g/L. The conclusions of this study showedthat the percentage decrease of Salmonella sp population and blood cholesterol levels in combinationprobiotic and temulawak supplementation so that broiler produced is safe for consumption.
Probiotics is a live microbial feed supplements that improve the microbial balance in the digestive tract of cattle host
Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) is one of native Indonesian spices that are useful for prevention and treatment of human disease and can be used for broiler chickens supplement
Probiotic concentration 109 cell/mL administered through drinking water every day while of temulawak extract dose 0.25 g/L 0.50 g/L once a week, for five weeks
Probiotik adalah microbial feed suplement yang dapat meningkatkan keseimbangan mikrob dalam saluran pencernaan ternak (Fuller, 1989). Probiotik juga mereduksi trigliserida dan kolesterol serum pada darah unggas (Ignatova et al, 2009), yang dapat menyebabkan gangguan kesehatan manusia apabila mengkonsumsi daging ayam setiap hari. Mountzouris et al (2007) mengemukakan bahwa penambahan probiotik dalam air minum 1 g/kg dengan populasi 108 sel/mL setiap hari memberikan hasil pertambahan bobot badan tidak berbeda dibandingkan dengan ayam pedagingyang diberi antibiotik. Demikian pula dengan penelitian yang dilaporkan oleh Widodo (2002) bahwa penggunaan temulawak optimalnya 2% dalam ransum masih dapat meningkatkan bobot badan ayam. Selain sebagai antibiotik alami temulawak juga dapat meningkatkan persentase karkas serta menurunkan kolesterol darah sehingga temulawak dapat digunakan sebagai antibiotik alami yang dapat mengurangi penggunaan antibiotik sintetik dan meningkatkan kualitas produk ternak terutama ayam pedaging sehingga aman bagi kesehatan konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek suplementasi probiotik dan temulawak dalam mengeliminir populasi Salmonella sp dan kadar kolesterol darah ayam pedaging
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