
In this work we demonstrate that the mixed gravitational and scalar sectors of the five-dimensional Goldberger-Wise (GW) model, in which the size of a warped extra dimension is dynamically determined, has a ``hidden'' dual $N=2$ supersymmetric structure. This symmetry structure, a generalization of one found in the unstabilized Randall-Sundrum model, is a result of the spontaneously broken five-dimensional diffeomorphism invariance of the underlying gravitational theory. The supersymmetries relate the properties of the spin-1 and spin-0 modes ``eaten'' by the massive spin-2 Kaluza-Klein states of the theory to the mode functions of the spin-2 modes. Because the symmetries relate the couplings and masses of the massive spin-2 states to those of the tower of physical spin-0 states of the GW model, they enable us to analytically prove the sum rule relations which ensure the tree-level scattering amplitudes of the massive spin-2 states will grow no faster than $\mathcal{O}(s)$. The analysis given here also explains the unconventional forms of the spin-0 mode equation, boundary condition(s), and normalization found in the GW model.

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