
Chiral symmetry breaking in supersymmetric QCD with matter fields in a large Casimir representation is analyzed in detail. The effective action for the fermion and scalar propagators and the corresponding Dyson-Schwinger equations are derived in the ladder approximation. A stability analysis in the non-running limit shows that dynamical mass generation for both matter fermions and scalars is energetically favourable. It is found that chiral symmetry breaking takes place essentially in the same way as in ordinary QCD, and that the critical coupling of supersymmetric QCD is 3 2 times the QCD one. Fermion condensation induces a non-zero scalar mass, thus eliminating the perturbatively flat directions of the scalar potential and stabilizing the broken symmetry phase. The relevance of our results to supersymmetry breaking as well as their generalization beyond the non-running limit (in particular to slowly running theories) are discussed.

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