
The problem of the chiral symmetry breaking in QED 3 is considered by solving the Schwinger–Dyson equation for the fermion propagator in the ladder approximation using the Landau gauge for the photon propagator. Within the framework of the indicated approximation, different simplifications that allow expressions for the fermion mass function to be retrieved in an explicit form are analyzed. The results obtained are compared with the data of numerical analysis. It appears that the neglect of higher Gegenbauer harmonics in the kernel of the initial integral equation for the fermion mass function influences the dynamic mass value and the asymptotics of the mass function only weakly. On the other hand, it is established that the conclusion about a complicated structure of the fermion vacuum of the massive phase is an artifact of linearization of the Schwinger–Dyson equation kernel: consideration of the kernel nonlinearity yields a simple massive phase structure of the fermion vacuum.

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