Super-Nyquist, also known as Fast-than-Nyquist (FTN), signal generation based on optical or electrical spectrum shaping methods has been demonstrated to be an efficient scheme for future high-capacity transmission systems. Super- Nyquist signal demodulations based on maximum a posteriori (MAP) or maximum likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) on receiver side have been demonstrated in 100G, 200G and 400G systems, which enables PDM-QPSK transmission with 4bit/s/Hz net spectral efficiency (SE) at lower OSNR requirement and longer transmission distance. Further studies also show the highly filtering-tolerant advantage of the super-Nyquist signal when using the 9-QAMbased multi-modulus equalization. This feature is quite useful for signals transmission under the aggressive optical filtering in multiple reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs) transmission link. In this paper, we review the newly reported super-Nyquist experiments using the optical super-Nyquist filtering 9-QAM like signals based on multi-modulus equalization (MMEQ). We directly recover the Nyquist filtered QPSK to a 9-QAM like signal. We first successfully transmitted 100-GHz-grid, 20 channels single-carrier 440-Gb/s super-Nyquist 9-QAM-like signal over 3600-km ultra-large effective-area fiber (ULAF) at record a net SE of 4b/s/Hz (after excluding the 7% hard-decision FEC overhead). The highly filtering-tolerant performance of the 9-QAM liked super-Nyquist signal is also experimentally demonstrated. Using this scheme, we then successfully transmit 10 channels 440-Gb/s signal over 3000- km ULAF and 10 cascaded ROADMs with 100-GHz-grid based on the single-carrier ETDM 110-GBaud QPSK. It is the highest baud rate of all-ETDM signal reported with the highest net SE at this baud rate for PDM-QPSK signal.
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