
I further study the manner by which a pair of opposite jets shape the “keyhole” morphological structure of the core-collapse supernova (CCSN) SN 1997A, now the CCSN remnant (CCSNR) 1987A. By doing so, I strengthen the claim that the jittering-jet explosion mechanism accounts for most, likely all, CCSNe. The “keyhole” structure comprises a northern low-intensity zone closed with a bright rim on its front and an elongated low-intensity nozzle in the south. This rim-nozzle asymmetry is observed in some cooling flow clusters and planetary nebulae that are observed to be shaped by jets. I build a toy model that uses the planar jittering jets pattern, where consecutive pairs of jets tend to jitter in a common plane, implying that the accreted gas onto the newly born neutron star at the late explosion phase flows perpendicular to that plane. This allows for a long-lived jet-launching episode. This long-lasting jet-launching episode launches more mass into the jets that can inflate larger pairs of ears or bubbles, forming the main jets’ axis of the CCSNR that is not necessarily related to a possible pre-collapse core rotation. I discuss the relation of the main jets’ axis to the neutron star’s natal kick velocity.

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