
SuperLig® 639 ion exchange resin is currently being evaluated for technetium (99Tc) removal from radioactive Hanford tank wastes. To assess the performance of the resin in column configuration, a multiple batch contact method was used to determine the equilibrium distribution coefficients (Kd values) and percent removal for technetium (as pertechnetate, TcO4 −) from highly alkaline waste solutions obtained from the Hanford Site. The Kd values for Hanford tank wastes AN-103, AZ-102, and AN-102 were 530, 886, and 287 mL/g, respectively. The TcO4 −Kd values for the AN-102 mixed with AN-103 after 4 hours and 14 days were 456 and 392 mL/g, respectively. The percent removal of technetium as TcO4 −anion from three Hanford tank solutions (AN-103, AZ-102, and AN-102) was higher than 80%, which is required for Hanford waste pretreatment flowsheet. The results indicate that SuperLig® 639 resin is highly selective for pertechnetate in the presence of relatively high concentrations of nitrate anion.

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