Feedback is essential for skill acquisition as it helps identifying and correcting performance errors. Nowadays, Virtual Reality can be used as a tool to guide motor learning, and to provide innovative types of augmented feedback that exceed real world opportunities. Concurrent feedback has shown to be especially beneficial for novices. Moreover, watching skilled performances helps novices to acquire a motor skill, and this effect depends on the perspective taken by the observer. To date, however, the impact of watching one's own performance together with full body superimposition of a skilled performance, either from the front or from the side, remains to be explored. Here we used an immersive, state-of-the-art, low-latency cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE), and we asked novices to perform squat movements in front of a virtual mirror. Participants were assigned to one of three concurrent visual feedback groups: participants either watched their own avatar performing full body movements or were presented with the movement of a skilled individual superimposed on their own performance during movement execution, either from a frontal or from a side view. Motor performance and cognitive representation were measured in order to track changes in movement quality as well as motor memory across time. Consistent with our hypotheses, results showed an advantage of the groups that observed their own avatar performing the squat together with the superimposed skilled performance for some of the investigated parameters, depending on perspective. Specifically, for the deepest point of the squat, participants watching the squat from the front adapted their height, while those watching from the side adapted their backward movement. In a control experiment, we ruled out the possibility that the observed improvements were due to the mere fact of performing the squat movements—irrespective of the type of visual feedback. The present findings indicate that it can be beneficial for novices to watch themselves together with a skilled performance during execution, and that improvement depends on the perspective chosen.
Feedback is essential for skill acquisition as it delivers performance-related information and can help to identify potential errors and to make corrections needed for performance improvement (Magill, 2001; Magill and Anderson, 2012)
In Experiment 1, we compared the effectiveness of three different types of visual feedback in the acquisition of a proper squat technique: the participant’s avatar during the execution of squat trials was presented either alone (Own) or together with the superimposed character used to display a skilled performance, either from the front view (Own+skilledFront) or the side view (Own+skilledSide)
In Experiment 2, which investigated squat acquisition without any visual feedback, we found a slight tendency of motor performance and cognitive representation to get even worse
Feedback is essential for skill acquisition as it delivers performance-related information and can help to identify potential errors and to make corrections needed for performance improvement (Magill, 2001; Magill and Anderson, 2012). For instance, when it comes to learning a new motor skill that requires the execution of complex full body movements, looking at a mirror offers visual feedback or receiving instructions from a coach offers verbal feedback. The learner must map their own performance to the target performance This requires some cognitive effort: the learner has to switch between looking at herself in the mirror and looking at the coach, while trying to infer what might be wrong with the movement during its execution. We developed a VR system for the learning and coaching of full body movements, and provided concurrent visual feedback through a virtual mirror to investigate the influence of superimposing a skilled performance on one’s own performance during movement execution
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