
We determine the quantum ground state of dipolar bosons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice and interacting via $s$-wave scattering. The Hamiltonian is an extended Bose-Hubbard model which includes hopping terms due to the interactions. We identify the parameter regime for which the coefficients of the interaction-induced hopping terms become negative. For these parameters we numerically determine the phase diagram for a canonical ensemble and by means of density matrix renormalization group. We show that at sufficiently large values of the dipolar strength there is a quantum interference between the tunneling due to single-particle effects and the one due to the interactions. Because of this phenomenon, incompressible phases appear at relatively large values of the single-particle tunneling rates. This quantum interference cuts the phase diagram into two different, disconnected superfluid phases. In particular, at vanishing kinetic energy, the phase is always superfluid with a staggered superfluid order parameter. These dynamics emerge from quantum interference phenomena between quantum fluctuations and interactions and shed light into their role in determining the thermodynamic properties of quantum matter.

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