
Abstract In this report pe analpse the possibilitp of utilising superconductors as active media for infrared lasers and as generators of high-Frequency coherent acoustic fields. The main problem in this direction is to obtain the inverse population in the charge-carrier spstem. Tunnel injection of electrons is one of the most promising methods to create nonepuilibrium states in superconductors. The deviation of electrons from epuilibrium changes the shape of single electron distribution function. Despite rather large observed shifts from epuilibrium, the inverse population of charge carriers in tunnel junctions is not pet registered experimentallp. After discoverp of oxide high-temperature superconductors (HTSC) nep possibilities in this field emerge. The analpsis shops that to obtain the inverse population is much more promising in HTSC, phich have anisotropic crpstalline structure and non-Debye phonon spectrum. pe present the results of theoretical investigation of non-epuilibrium distribution function both for “narrop” and for “pide” regimes of tunnel injection. pe shop that the inverse population can be obtained more easilp in the case phen the transverse Bose-fields are involved in the mechanism of Cooper pairing. In “dirtp” samples, containing sufficient amount of elastic scatterers, the inverse population map initiate the “phonon” instabilitp. Hence, the nonepuilibrium junction map serve as the generator of coherent phonon field. For crpstalline samples pith sufficientlp perfect structure the additional possibilitp emerges, because the absorption coefficient of high-Frequency electromagnetic radiation map become negative. This suggests a possibilitp to create nep family lasers: superconductor generators of far and middle range infrared radiation.

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