
Quantum Devices To date, the most promising solid-state approaches for developing quantum information-processing systems have been based on the circulating supercurrents of superconducting circuits and manipulating the spin properties of electrons in semiconductor quantum dots. Hays et al. combined the desirable aspects of both approaches, the scalability of the superconducting circuits and the compact footprint of the quantum dots, to design and fabricate a superconducting spin qubit (see the Perspective by Wendin and Shumeiko). This so-called Andreev spin qubit provides the opportunity to develop a new quantum information processing platform. Science , abf0345, this issue p. [430][1]; see also abk0929, p. [390][2] [1]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.abf0345 [2]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.abk0929

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