
In the present paper we solve the time dependent Ginzburg–Landau (TDGL) equations byusing the link variables technique for two shapes of circular geometry, a circular sector anda disc. The implemented algorithm is applied to a circular geometry surrounded bydifferent kinds of material and immersed in an external magnetic field appliedperpendicular to its plane. The properties of these materials are accounted for in the deGennes boundary conditions with the de Gennes extrapolation length (the so calledb parameter). We evaluate the magnetization, the superconducting electron density,the superconducting–normal magnetic field transition, and the applied magneticfield/b-parameterphase diagram. For the circular sector, our results point out that, under an appropriate choice of theb parameter, thethird critical field Hc3 can be greatly increased. For the disc, we determine theb-limit for the occurrence of the Meissner, single and multi-vortex states in a type-IIsuperconductor. In addition, we show that under an appropriate construction of theboundary, a type-II superconducting disc may behave like a type-I.

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