
Diurnal vertical distribution of dinoflagellates in relation to environmental parameters was analysed in Lake Moreno Oeste (North Patagonia, Argentina) during a spring-summer period, when the lake was thermally stratified. Seven unarmored and ar- mored dinoflagellates species were registered, including four species of Gymnodinium, which are reported for Argentina and South America for the first time. Four species belong to the net phytoplankton fraction, two others are nanoplanktic, while the last one is con- sidered as a planktic protist since it is colourless. The two dominant species of the larger fraction, G. puradoxum and G. uberrimum, were recorded all along the water column, but they clearly preferred deep levels between 28 and 40 m depth which receive 1 % of surface PAR irradiance. In this way, these species are included in the deep chlorophyll maxima observed in this lake. On the contrary, the smallest species showed different vertical dis- tribution patterns. Peridinium sp. developed its maximum abundances in the epilimnetic levels, while G. vuriuns was randomly distributed along the water column.

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